Huffman Coding

  • Created by Andrés Segura Tinoco
  • Created on June 20, 2019

In computer science and information theory, a Huffman Code is a particular type of optimal prefix code that is commonly used for lossless data compression. The output from Huffman's algorithm can be viewed as a variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character in a file). The algorithm derives this table from the estimated probability or frequency of occurrence (weight) for each possible value of the source symbol. [1]

In [1]:
# Load Python libraries
import numpy as np
import timeit
import pandas as pd
import statistics as stats
from collections import Counter
In [2]:
# Load Plot libraries
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib import gridspec
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

1. Huffman Code from Scratch

Huffman coding uses a specific method for choosing the representation for each symbol, resulting in a prefix code (sometimes called "prefix-free codes", that is, the bit string representing some particular symbol is never a prefix of the bit string representing any other symbol). Huffman coding is such a widespread method for creating prefix codes that the term "Huffman code" is widely used as a synonym for "prefix code" even when such a code is not produced by Huffman's algorithm. [1]

In [3]:
# Class HuffmanCode from scratch
class HuffmanCode:
    # Return a Huffman code for an ensemble with distribution p
    def get_code(self, p_symbols):
        # Init validation
        n = len(p_symbols)
        if n == 0:
            return dict()
        elif n == 1:
            return dict(zip(p_symbols.keys(), ['1']))
        # Ensure probabilities sum to 1
        # Returns Huffman code
        return self._get_code(p_symbols);
    # (Private) Calculate Huffman code
    def _get_code(self, p):
        # Base case of only two symbols, assign 0 or 1 arbitrarily
        if len(p) == 2:
            return dict(zip(p.keys(), ['0', '1']))
        # Create a new distribution by merging lowest prob pair
        p_prime = p.copy()
        s1, s2 = self._get_lowest_prob_pair(p)
        p1, p2 = p_prime.pop(s1), p_prime.pop(s2)
        p_prime[s1 + s2] = p1 + p2
        # Recurse and construct code on new distribution
        code = self._get_code(p_prime)
        symbol = s1 + s2
        s1s2 = code.pop(symbol)
        code[s1], code[s2] = s1s2 + '0', s1s2 + '1'
        return code;
    # (Private) Return pair of symbols from distribution p with lowest probabilities
    def _get_lowest_prob_pair(self, p):
        # Ensure there are at least 2 symbols in the dist.
        if len(p) >= 2:
            sorted_p = sorted(p.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
            return sorted_p[0][0], sorted_p[1][0];
        return (None, None);
    # (Private) Makes sure all weights add up to 1
    def _normalize_weights(self, p_symbols, t_weight=1.0):
        n = sum(p_symbols.values())
        if n != t_weight:
            for s in p_symbols:
                p_symbols[s] = p_symbols[s] / n;

Input: $$ A = \{ a_1, a_2, a_3, ..., a_n \} \tag{1} $$

$$ W = \{ w_1, w_2, w_3, ..., w_n \} \tag{2} $$
$$ n = |A| $$

Output: $$ C(A, W) = \{ c_1, c_2, c_3, ..., c_n \} \tag{3} $$

Target: $$ L(C) = \sum_{i=1}^n{w_i . length(c_i)} \tag{4} $$

$$ L(C) < L(T)\;for\;any\;code\;T(A, W) $$
In [4]:
# Create Huffman Code instance
hc = HuffmanCode()

Simple Examples

In [5]:
# Alphabet with 1 symbol
sample_1 = { 'a': 1.0 }
{'a': '1'}
In [6]:
# Alphabet with 3 symbols and total probability less than 1
sample_2 = { 'a': 0.6, 'b': 0.25, 'c': 0.1 }
{'a': '0', 'c': '10', 'b': '11'}
In [7]:
# Alphabet with 5 symbols and total probability equal than 1.0
sample_3 = { 'a': 0.10, 'b': 0.15, 'c': 0.30, 'd': 0.16, 'e': 0.29 }
{'e': '10', 'c': '11', 'd': '00', 'a': '010', 'b': '011'}

2. Compress Image with Huffman Code

This example is with a PNG image. Experimentally it was found that the distribution of the bytes of an image tends to be uniform.

In [8]:
# Read file in low level (Bytes)
def get_file_bytes(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        return bytearray(;
    return None;
In [9]:
# Loading target image
file_path = "../data/img/example-3.png"
image_byte_list = get_file_bytes(file_path)
In [10]:
# Calculate code frequency
def get_term_freq(term_list):
    term_freq = {}
    terms_count = dict(Counter(term_list))
    for key, value in terms_count.items():
        if isinstance(key, int):
            key = str(key)
        term_freq[key] = value
    return term_freq;
In [11]:
# Alphabet with 256 symbols
term_freq = get_term_freq(image_byte_list)
In [12]:
# Normalize term frequency
n = sum(term_freq.values())
for term in term_freq:
    term_freq[term] = term_freq[term] / n;
In [13]:
# Get Huffman coding
hf_code = hc.get_code(term_freq)
In [14]:
# Creates a huffman dataframe with the codes and frequency of each of them
def create_huffman_df(code_list, term_freq):
    codes = pd.DataFrame([code_list, term_freq]).T
    codes.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
    codes.columns = ["byte", "code", "frequency"]
    codes['symbol'] = [chr(int(b)) for b in codes["byte"]]
    codes = codes[["byte", "symbol", "code", "frequency"]]
    return codes
In [15]:
# Create and showing data
codes = create_huffman_df(hf_code, term_freq)
byte symbol code frequency
0 0 01110 0.0284127
1 1  110011 0.0197444
2 10 \n 0110101 0.00697332
3 100 d 01000010 0.00314809
4 101 e 110101111 0.0025088
5 102 f 00101111 0.00298616
6 103 g 00011000 0.0028726
7 104 h 10000101 0.00378738
8 105 i 110010111 0.00247305
9 106 j 101101001 0.00226065
10 107 k 111000010 0.00255716
11 108 l 00110110 0.00307028
12 109 m 111010011 0.00260974
13 11 11000010 0.00477786
14 110 n 00101001 0.00295672
15 111 o 00111110 0.00311865
16 112 p 0110011 0.00692705
17 113 q 00101010 0.00296303
18 114 r 110000000 0.00237421
19 115 s 111110101 0.00275694
In [16]:
# Save full huffman codes as CSV file
codes.to_csv('../huffman_codes/sample1.csv', index=False)
In [17]:
# Calculate message average size
msg_size_current = 8
msg_size_weighted = 0

for key, value in hf_code.items():
    msg_size_weighted += len(value) * term_freq[key]
In [18]:
# Current message average size (bits per symbol)
In [19]:
# Weighted message average size (bits per symbol)

Real compression percentage

In [20]:
# Calculating compression ratio (%)
compress_rate = (msg_size_current - msg_size_weighted) / msg_size_current
print(round(compress_rate * 100, 2), '%')
2.7 %

Main function: compress a binary file using a huffman code

In [21]:
# Compress a binary file using a huffman code
def compress_bin_file(byte_list, code_list):
    bits_string = ''
    compress_list = []
    symbols_used = {}
    for symbol in byte_list:
        key = str(symbol)
        new_symbol = code_list[key]
        # Save frequency of length of used symbols
        sym_len = len(new_symbol)
        if sym_len in symbols_used:
            symbols_used[sym_len] += 1
            symbols_used[sym_len] = 1
    # Create bits string
    bits_string = "".join(compress_list)
    # Sort dict by key
    symbols_used = sorted(symbols_used.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
    # Return compressed file and used symbols
    return bits_string, dict(symbols_used)
In [22]:
# Compressing PNG image with Huffman code
compress_file, symbols_used = compress_bin_file(image_byte_list, hf_code)
In [23]:
# Weight of the compressed PNG image (KB)
print(round(len(compress_file) / 8 / 1024, 2), 'KB')
451.83 KB
In [24]:
# Weight of the original PNG image (KB)
print(round(len(image_byte_list) / 1024, 2), 'KB')
464.38 KB

Lengths by Family of Codes

The code family that encoded each byte is plotted below.

In [25]:
# Function that plots the bytes encoded by a family type by length
def plot_lens_by_codes_families(term_freq, hf_code):
    # Set up the matplotlib figure
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (18, 6))

    bars = []
    values= []
    for ix in range(256):
        key = str(ix)
        if key in term_freq.keys():
    y_pos = np.arange(len(bars))

    # Vertical barchart
    barlist =, values, alpha = 0.7)
    plt.xticks(y_pos, bars, rotation=45)

    # Add bar labels
    lens = []
    for i, v in enumerate(values):
        key = str(bars[i])
        length = len(hf_code[key])
        l = str(round(v * 100, 1)) + '%'
        if v > 0.01:
            ax.text((i - 0.7), (v * 1.0125), str(l), color = "black", fontweight = "normal", fontsize = 9)

    # Add custom legend
    legend_list = []
    for k, v in palette.items():
        legend_list.append(mpatches.Patch(color = v, label = 'Code len ' + k))

    plt.legend(handles = legend_list)
    plt.ylabel('Byte Frequency')
    plt.xlabel('# Bytes')
    plt.title('Lengths by Family of Codes')
In [26]:
# Show frequency of length of used symbols
{5: 13511, 6: 50643, 7: 68876, 8: 234607, 9: 107890}
In [27]:
# Palette of colores
palette = {"5": "#1f77b4", "6": "#ff7f0e", "7": "#2ca02c", "8": "#d62728", "9": "#9467bd"}
In [28]:
# Create plot
plot_lens_by_codes_families(term_freq, hf_code)

3. Compress Text file with Huffman Code

In this example, the compression and decompression functions will be tested with the abstract of an English paper.

In [29]:
# Loading target text book
file_path = "../data/text/abstract1-en.txt"
text_byte_list = get_file_bytes(file_path)
In [30]:
# Alphabet with 256 symbols
term_freq = get_term_freq(text_byte_list)
In [31]:
# Normalize term frequency
n = sum(term_freq.values())
for term in term_freq:
    term_freq[term] = term_freq[term] / n;
In [32]:
# Get Huffman coding
hf_code = hc.get_code(term_freq)
In [33]:
# Create and showing the Huffman codes
codes = create_huffman_df(hf_code, term_freq)
byte symbol code frequency
0 100 d 00010 0.0225989
1 101 e 010 0.104206
2 102 f 00011 0.0225989
3 103 g 001110 0.0138104
4 104 h 10000 0.0301318
5 105 i 1001 0.0684244
6 106 j 001111110 0.00188324
7 107 k 1111010100 0.00125549
8 108 l 00000 0.0213434
9 109 m 111100 0.0194601
10 110 n 1110 0.0747018
11 111 o 1011 0.0703076
12 112 p 00110 0.0257376
13 113 q 1111011001 0.00125549
14 114 r 0111 0.0608914
15 115 s 11111 0.0439422
16 116 t 1010 0.0703076
17 117 u 100010 0.0144382
18 118 v 1000111 0.0100439
19 119 w 001001 0.0119272
In [34]:
# Save full huffman codes as CSV file
codes.to_csv('../huffman_codes/sample2.csv', index=False)
In [35]:
# Calculate weighted message size average
msg_size_current = 8
msg_size_weighted = 0

for key, value in hf_code.items():
    msg_size_weighted += len(value) * term_freq[key]
In [36]:
# Current message size average (bits per symbol)
In [37]:
# Weighted message size average (bits per symbol)

Real compression percentage

In [38]:
# Calculating compression ratio (%)
compress_rate = (msg_size_current - msg_size_weighted) / msg_size_current
print(round(compress_rate * 100, 2), '%')
45.38 %
In [39]:
# Compressing text file with Huffman code
compress_file, symbols_used = compress_bin_file(text_byte_list, hf_code)
In [40]:
# Weight of the compressed text file (KB)
print(round(len(compress_file) / 8 / 1024, 2), 'KB')
0.85 KB
In [41]:
# Weight of the original text file (KB)
print(round(len(text_byte_list) / 1024, 2), 'KB')
1.56 KB

Lengths by Family of Codes

The code family that encoded each byte is plotted below.

In [42]:
# Show frequency of length of used symbols
{3: 413, 4: 645, 5: 339, 6: 95, 7: 35, 8: 6, 9: 24, 10: 28, 11: 8}
In [43]:
# Palette of colores
palette = {"3": "#1f77b4", "4": "#ff7f0e", "5": "#2ca02c", "6": "#d62728", "7": "#9467bd", 
           "8": "#8c564b", "9": "#e377c2", "10": "#7f7f7f", "11": "#bcbd22"}
In [44]:
# Create plot
plot_lens_by_codes_families(term_freq, hf_code)

4. Decompress file with Huffman Code

4.1. Simple approach

Test with all huffman codes until the file is completely decompressed. The codes are sorted ascending by their length.

In [45]:
# Creates a dataframe with the codes, frequency and compression percentage of each of them
def create_codes_df(code_list, hf_code, col_sort):
    term_freq = Counter([len(v) for k, v in hf_code.items()])
    df_codes = pd.DataFrame([code_list, term_freq]).T
    df_codes.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
    df_codes.columns = ["code_size", "bytes_compressed", "code_count"]
    df_codes['code_comp_perc'] = round(df_codes.bytes_compressed / df_codes.code_count, 2)
    df_codes = df_codes[["code_size", "code_count", "bytes_compressed", "code_comp_perc"]]
    return df_codes.sort_values(by=[col_sort], ascending=False)
In [46]:
# Show frequency of length of used symbols
df = create_codes_df(symbols_used, hf_code, 'code_comp_perc')[
    {'selector': '.row_heading, .blank', 'props': [('display', 'none;')]}
code_size code_count bytes_compressed code_comp_perc
0 3 2 413 206.5
1 4 6 645 107.5
2 5 8 339 42.38
3 6 4 95 23.75
4 7 3 35 11.67
5 8 1 6 6
6 9 7 24 3.43
7 10 18 28 1.56
8 11 8 8 1
In [47]:
# Decompress a binary file using a huffman code
def decompress_bin_file(byte_string, hf_code, symb_used):
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    byte_list = []
    codes_size = []
    inv_codes = {v: k for k, v in hf_code.items()}
    fails_list = []
    n_size = len(byte_string)
    # Sort codes_size list by code length
    for k, v in symb_used.items():
    codes_size.sort(reverse = False)
    # Decompress
    ix = 0
    while ix < n_size:
        curr_tries = 0
        for size in codes_size:
            possible_code = byte_string[ix:ix + size]
            if possible_code in inv_codes.keys():
                byte = int(inv_codes[possible_code])
                ix = ix + size
            curr_tries += 1
    # Elapsed time
    elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
    # Algorithm accuracy
    total_tries = sum(fails_list)
    algo_accuracy = round(100 * len(byte_list) / total_tries, 2)
    # Verbose
    print('elapsed time', elapsed, 's')
    print('tries:', total_tries, ', acurracy:', algo_accuracy, '%')
    return byte_list, fails_list, codes_size;
In [48]:
# Decode/Decompress file using the Huffman code
decompress_file, fails_list, codes_size = decompress_bin_file(compress_file, hf_code, symbols_used)
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
elapsed time 0.0041066 s
tries: 2182 , acurracy: 73.01 %
In [49]:
# Weight of the original text file (KB)
print(round(len(decompress_file) / 1024, 2), 'KB')
1.56 KB

Comparing if the original file and the decompressed file are the same (equals)

In [50]:
# Compare if two files are equals for equality and element-wise
def compare_files(file_a, file_b):
    return np.array_equiv(file_a, file_b)
In [51]:
# Comparing files
compare_files(text_byte_list, decompress_file)

Show fails behavior during decompression

In [52]:
# Function that plots the fails behavior of the decompression process
def plot_fails_behavior(f_data):
    # Average failures per decompressed byte
    f_mean = stats.mean(f_data)
    f_stdev = stats.pstdev(f_data)
    print(round(f_mean, 4), 'fails/byte with a std dev:', round(f_stdev, 4))
    max_value = max(f_data)
    min_value = 0
    upper_lim = min(max_value, (f_mean + f_stdev))
    lower_lim = max(min_value, (f_mean - f_stdev))
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 6))
    plt.axhline(y = upper_lim, color = "#8b0000", linestyle = "--")
    plt.axhline(y = f_mean, color = "#8b0000", linestyle = "-")
    plt.axhline(y = lower_lim, color = "#8b0000", linestyle = "--")
    plt.title('The behavior of fails during decompression')
    plt.xlabel('# Bytes', fontsize = 10)
    plt.ylabel('Count of failures', fontsize = 10)
In [53]:
# Plotting the fails behavior
1.3697 fails/byte with a std dev: 1.4448
In [54]:
# Function that calculates distribution of the number of fails
def calc_fails_dist(f_data):
    fails_dist = Counter(f_data)
    df_fails_dist = pd.DataFrame.from_records(fails_dist.most_common(), columns = ['n_fails', 'quantity'])
    df_fails_dist["fails_perc"] = 100 * df_fails_dist.quantity / len(fails_list)
    df_fails_dist = df_fails_dist.sort_values(by=['n_fails'])
    return df_fails_dist
In [55]:
# Calculate distribution of the number of fails
df_fails_dist = calc_fails_dist(fails_list)
n_fails quantity fails_perc
1 0 413 25.925926
0 1 645 40.489642
2 2 339 21.280603
3 3 95 5.963591
4 4 35 2.197112
8 5 6 0.376648
6 6 24 1.506591
5 7 28 1.757690
7 8 8 0.502197
In [56]:
# Function that plots the distribution of fails
def plot_fails_dist(f_list, df_f_dist, c_sizes):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 6))
    fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.15, wspace = 0.15)
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, 3]) 
    ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0])
    ax0.set_ylabel('# Fails', fontsize = 10)
    colors = [] 
    for size in c_sizes:
    ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1])
    g = sns.barplot(x = 'n_fails', y = 'quantity', data = df_f_dist, palette=colors)
    for index, row in df_f_dist.iterrows():
        lbl_value = str(round(row.fails_perc, 2)) + ' %'
        g.text(row.n_fails, row.quantity * 1.01, lbl_value, color='black', ha="center")
    ax1.set_xlabel('# Fails', fontsize = 10)
    ax1.set_ylabel('Number of fails', fontsize = 12)
    fig.suptitle('Distribution of the number of failures')
In [57]:
# Plotting the distribution of fails
plot_fails_dist(fails_list, df_fails_dist, codes_size)

4.2. Probabilistic approach

Based on the probability of occurrence of each family of symbols...

In [58]:
# Sort dict by probability of occurrence
symbols_used_sort = dict(sorted(symbols_used.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True))
In [59]:
# Show frequency of length of used symbols
df = create_codes_df(symbols_used_sort, hf_code, 'bytes_compressed')[
    {'selector': '.row_heading, .blank', 'props': [('display', 'none;')]}
code_size code_count bytes_compressed code_comp_perc
1 4 6 645 107.5
0 3 2 413 206.5
2 5 8 339 42.38
3 6 4 95 23.75
4 7 3 35 11.67
7 10 18 28 1.56
6 9 7 24 3.43
8 11 8 8 1
5 8 1 6 6
In [60]:
# Decompress a binary file using a huffman code
def decompress_bin_file_prob(byte_string, hf_code, symb_used):
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    byte_list = []
    codes_size = []
    inv_codes = {v: k for k, v in hf_code.items()}
    fails_list = []
    n_size = len(byte_string)
    # Sort codes_size list by the probability of the code family
    prob_symbols = sorted(symb_used.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True)
    for k, v in prob_symbols:
    # Decompress
    ix = 0
    while ix < n_size:
        curr_tries = 0
        for size in codes_size:
            possible_code = byte_string[ix:ix + size]
            if possible_code in inv_codes.keys():
                byte = int(inv_codes[possible_code])
                ix = ix + size
            curr_tries += 1
    # Elapsed time
    elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
    # Algorithm accuracy
    total_tries = sum(fails_list)
    algo_accuracy = round(100 * len(byte_list) / total_tries, 2)
    # Verbose
    print('elapsed time', elapsed, 's')
    print('tries:', total_tries, ', acurracy:', algo_accuracy, '%')
    return byte_list, fails_list, codes_size;
In [61]:
# Decode/Decompress file using the Huffman code
decompress_file2, fails_list2, codes_size2 = decompress_bin_file_prob(compress_file, hf_code, symbols_used)
[4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 9, 11, 8]
elapsed time 0.004494800000000021 s
tries: 1904 , acurracy: 83.67 %
In [62]:
# Weight of the original text file (KB)
print(round(len(decompress_file2) / 1024, 2), 'KB')
1.56 KB
In [63]:
# Comparing files
compare_files(text_byte_list, decompress_file2)

Show fails behavior during decompression

In [64]:
# Plotting the fails behavior
1.1952 fails/byte with a std dev: 1.428
In [65]:
# Calculate distribution of the number of fails
df_fails_dist2 = calc_fails_dist(fails_list2)
n_fails quantity fails_perc
0 0 645 40.489642
1 1 413 25.925926
2 2 339 21.280603
3 3 95 5.963591
4 4 35 2.197112
5 5 28 1.757690
6 6 24 1.506591
7 7 8 0.502197
8 8 6 0.376648
In [66]:
# Plotting the distribution of fails
plot_fails_dist(fails_list2, df_fails_dist2, codes_size2)


Using the size of the most likely symbols as cutting length improves both the accuracy (from 73.01 % to 83.67 %) and the time it takes for the decompression process.

4.3. Pseudo-random approach

Testing with selected pseudo-random huffman codes, based on their probability of occurrence [2]. The objective is not to improve previous implementations, but to propose another way to solve the same problem.

In [67]:
# Class Probabilistic Huffman Code from scratch
class ProbHCodes:
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self):
        self.prob_table = []
        self.n_rows = 0
        self.last_ix = -1
    # Returns the probabilistic codes table
    def get_prob_table(self):
        return self.prob_table
    # Function that creates the table with the the probability of use of codes in the decompression process
    def create_prob_table(self, symbols): = sum(symbols.values())
        cum = 0

        for key, value in symbols.items():
            curr = value /
            cum += curr
            item = [key, value, curr, cum]
        self.n_rows = len(self.prob_table)
        self.prob_table[self.n_rows - 1][3] = 1.0
    # Function that returns the size and index of the selected code
    def get_prob_code(self):
        prn = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
        while True:
            for ix in range(self.n_rows):
                item = self.prob_table[ix]
                if prn <= item[3]:
                    if ix == self.last_ix:
                    self.last_ix = ix
                    return item[0], ix
            prn = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
    # Function that updates the probability of use of codes
    def update_prob_table(self, ix_code):
        if self.prob_table[ix_code][1] > 1:
            self.prob_table[ix_code][1] -= 1
            self.n_rows -= 1 -= 1

        cum = 0
        for row in self.prob_table:
            curr = row[1] /
            cum += curr
            row[2] = curr
            row[3] = cum
In [68]:
# Decompress a binary file using a huffman code
def decompress_bin_file_rnd(byte_string, hf_code, symbols_used):
    start_time = timeit.default_timer()
    byte_list = []
    n_size = len(byte_string)
    inv_codes = {v: k for k, v in hf_code.items()}
    # Create Probabilistic Huffman Codes table
    phc = ProbHCodes()
    # Get code based on probability
    size, ix_code = phc.get_prob_code()
    ix = 0
    tries = 0
    while ix < n_size:
        while True:
            tries += 1
            possible_code = byte_string[ix:ix + size]
            if possible_code in inv_codes.keys():
                byte = int(inv_codes[possible_code])
                ix = ix + size
            # Get code based on probability
            size, ix_code = phc.get_prob_code()
    # Elapsed time
    elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
    # Algorithm accuracy
    algo_accuracy = round(100 * len(byte_list) / tries, 2)
    # Verbose
    print('elapsed time', elapsed, 's')
    print('tries:', tries, ', acurracy:', algo_accuracy, '%')
    return byte_list;
In [69]:
# Context
print('hf_code len:', len(hf_code), ', symbols_used:', len(symbols_used))
hf_code len: 57 , symbols_used: 9
In [70]:
# Decode/Decompress file using the Huffman code
decompress_file3 = decompress_bin_file_rnd(compress_file, hf_code, symbols_used)
elapsed time 0.07529079999999988 s
tries: 9386 , acurracy: 16.97 %
In [71]:
# Weight of the original text file (KB)
print(round(len(decompress_file3) / 1024, 2), 'KB')
1.56 KB

Comparing if the original file and the decompressed file are the same (equals)

In [72]:
# Comparing files
compare_files(text_byte_list, decompress_file3)


[1] Wikipedia - Huffman coding.
[2] Wikipedia - Randomized algorithm.