Text Compression: Semantic Approach

  • Created by Andrés Segura Tinoco
  • Created on August 20, 2019

Natural language processing (NLP): is a discipline where computer science, artificial intelligence and cognitive logic are intercepted, with the objective that machines can read and understand our language for decision making [1].

In [1]:
# Load Python libraries
import io
import os
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
In [2]:
# Load Plot libraries
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

1. Semantic Compression (SC)

Below, the proposed procedure with a NLP approach to text preprocessing:

  1. Read the plain text file in unicode format
  2. Clean text data and remove stopwords
  3. Find the heaviest words: (frequency * length)
  4. Find the unused symbols from the possible bytes [0, 255]
  5. Apply semantic compression: replace heavier words with unused symbols
  6. Save compressed file with semantic table attached
  7. Show the new byte distribution

Step 1 - Read the plain text file

In [3]:
# Set local file encoding
file_enconding = 'utf8'
In [4]:
# Util function to read a plain text file
def read_text_file(file_path):
    text = ""
    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        print('Read the following file:', file_path)
        with io.open(file_path, 'r', encoding = file_enconding) as f:
            text = f.read()
    return text
In [5]:
# Util function to save a plain text file
def save_text_file(file_path, text):
        with open(file_path, 'w', encoding = file_enconding) as f:
        print("Error saving text file:", file_path)
        return False
    return True
In [6]:
# Loading target text book
file_path = "../data/text/book1-en.txt"
file_text1 = read_text_file(file_path)
Read the following file: ../data/text/book1-en.txt
In [7]:
# Weight of the original file
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
print('Original file size:', round(file_size / 1024, 2), 'KB')
Original file size: 1227.64 KB

Step 2 - Clean Text Data and remove Stopwords

In [8]:
# Calculate occurrences of stop words
stop_words = ['\n', ', ', '. ', '; ', '! ', '? ', ',* ', '.* ']
sw_occur = dict()
for sword in stop_words:
    sw_occur[sword] = file_text1.count(sword)
{'\n': 21965,
 ', ': 17579,
 '. ': 5086,
 '; ': 3818,
 '! ': 1093,
 '? ': 540,
 ',* ': 3,
 '.* ': 3}
In [9]:
# Plot occurrences of stop words
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 6))
plt.bar(range(len(sw_occur)), list(sw_occur.values()), alpha = 0.9, label = 'Number Stopword', edgecolor = 'black')
plt.xticks(range(len(sw_occur)), list(sw_occur.keys()))
plt.grid(True, alpha = 0.8)
plt.title('Histogram of the number of Stopwords')
plt.xlabel('Stopword', fontsize = 10)
plt.ylabel('Number', fontsize = 10)
plt.legend(loc = 'upper right')
In [10]:
# Cleaing the plain text
clean_text = file_text1
for sword in stop_words:
    clean_text = clean_text.replace(sword, ' ')
In [11]:
# Calculate base compression
print('Original plain text size:', len(file_text1))
print('Cleaned plain text size:', len(clean_text))
print('Base compression:', round((len(file_text1) - len(clean_text)) * 100 / len(file_text1), 2), '%')
Original plain text size: 1219570
Cleaned plain text size: 1187508
Base compression: 2.63 %

Note: Experimentally it was found that passing the plain-text through a data quality process adds approximately 2% more data compression.

Step 3 - Find the Heaviest Words

In [12]:
# Tokenize text in a words list
word_list = clean_text.split(' ')
print('Number of words:', len(word_list))
Number of words: 216910
In [13]:
# Showing first 100 words
['\ufeff', 'The', 'Project', 'Gutenberg', 'EBook', 'of', 'Moby', 'Dick', 'or', 'The', 'Whale', 'by', 'Herman', 'Melville', '', 'This', 'eBook', 'is', 'for', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'anyone', 'anywhere', 'at', 'no', 'cost', 'and', 'with', 'almost', 'no', 'restrictions', 'whatsoever', '', 'You', 'may', 'copy', 'it', 'give', 'it', 'away', 'or', 're-use', 'it', 'under', 'the', 'terms', 'of', 'the', 'Project', 'Gutenberg', 'License', 'included', 'with', 'this', 'eBook', 'or', 'online', 'at', 'www.gutenberg.org', '', '', 'Title:', 'Moby', 'Dick', 'or', 'The', 'Whale', '', 'Author:', 'Herman', 'Melville', '', 'Release', 'Date:', 'December', '25', '2008', '[EBook', '#2701]', 'Last', 'Updated:', 'December', '3', '2017', '', 'Language:', 'English', '', 'Character', 'set', 'encoding:', 'UTF-8', '', '***', 'START', 'OF', 'THIS', 'PROJECT', 'GUTENBERG']
In [14]:
# Get the most common words in the document
n_words = Counter(word_list).most_common(1000)
df_words = pd.DataFrame.from_records(n_words, columns = ['word', 'quantity'])
df_words['length'] = df_words.word.str.len()
df_words['weigth'] = df_words.quantity * df_words.length
df_words = df_words.sort_values(by=['weigth'], ascending=False)
word quantity length weigth
0 the 13697 3 41091
2 and 6003 3 18009
1 of 6564 2 13128
7 that 2828 4 11312
3 to 4509 2 9018
6 in 3904 2 7808
8 his 2457 3 7371
12 with 1663 4 6652
18 this 1232 4 4928
13 was 1623 3 4869

Show the 50 Most Common Words in document.

In [15]:
# Plot the most common words in the document
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 6))
sns.barplot(x = 'word', y = 'weigth', data = df_words[0:50])
plt.title('The 50 Most Common Words in document')
In [16]:
# Plot Histogram of the number of Words by Sizes
hist_bins = len(df_words["length"].unique())
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 6))
plt.hist(df_words.length, bins = hist_bins, alpha = 0.9, label = 'Word Size', edgecolor = 'black')
plt.grid(True, alpha = 0.8)
plt.title('Histogram of the number of Words by Sizes')
plt.xlabel('Size', fontsize = 10)
plt.ylabel('Number', fontsize = 10)
plt.legend(loc = 'upper right')

Step 4 - Find the Unused Symbols

Once the words to be replaced are identified, the unused symbols must be found in the alphabet, to be used as substituents.

In [17]:
# Read file in low level (Bytes)
def get_file_bytes(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        return bytearray(f.read());
    return None;
In [18]:
# Loading target text book
file_byte_list = get_file_bytes(file_path)
In [19]:
# Calculate code frequency
term_freq = Counter(file_byte_list)
n = len(term_freq)
print('Unique symbols used:', n)
Unique symbols used: 110
In [20]:
# Normalize term frequency
max_symbols = 256
total = sum(term_freq.values())

for ix in range(max_symbols):
    if ix in term_freq:
        term_freq[ix] = term_freq[ix] / total
        term_freq[ix] = 0
In [21]:
# Create dataframe: unused byte list
df_ubytes = pd.DataFrame.from_records(term_freq.most_common(max_symbols), columns = ['byte', 'frequency'])
df_ubytes['symbol'] = [chr(b) for b in df_ubytes.byte]
df_ubytes = df_ubytes[['byte', 'symbol', 'frequency']]
byte symbol frequency
0 32 0.155075
1 101 e 0.092954
2 116 t 0.068523
3 97 a 0.060395
4 111 o 0.054837
5 110 n 0.051702
6 115 s 0.049752
7 105 i 0.049692
8 104 h 0.049322
9 114 r 0.041215
In [22]:
# Create pretty x axis labels
def get_x_labels():
    x_labels = []
    for ix in range(max_symbols):
        if ix % 5 == 0:
    return x_labels
In [23]:
# Probability of each symbol by default
p_x = 1 / max_symbols

# Plot the frequency of the bytes in the file
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 6))
ax = sns.barplot(x = 'byte', y = 'frequency', data = df_ubytes.sort_values(by=['byte']), palette=("Blues_d"))
ax.set_xticklabels(labels = get_x_labels(), fontsize = 10, rotation = 50)
plt.axhline(y = p_x, color = "#8b0000", linestyle = "--")
plt.title('Bytes Frequency of the Original Text File')
In [24]:
# Get locked symbols
locked_symbols = []
two_bytes_symb = [chr(c) for c in range(128, max_symbols)]

for spe_sym in two_bytes_symb:
    if spe_sym in file_text1:

['£', 'â', 'æ', 'è', 'é']
In [25]:
# Save unused symbols
unused_symbols = list(df_ubytes[df_ubytes['frequency'] == 0]["byte"])
unused_symbols = list(set(unused_symbols) - set([ord(ls) for ls in locked_symbols]))

Now, we can replace the heaviest words with unused symbols in the file.

In [26]:
# Returns the semantic table with the new symbols to replace the heaviest words
def get_semantic_table(df_words, unused_symbols):
    new_symbols = dict()
    n_symb_repleced = min(150, len(unused_symbols))
    ix = 0

    for index, row in df_words.iterrows():
        if len(row['word']) > 1:
            key = row['word']
            value = int(unused_symbols[ix])
            new_symbols[key] = value
            ix += 1
        if ix == n_symb_repleced:
    return new_symbols
In [27]:
# Show semantic table
semantic_table = get_semantic_table(df_words, unused_symbols)
{'the': 0, 'and': 1, 'of': 2, 'that': 3, 'to': 4, 'in': 5, 'his': 6, 'with': 7, 'this': 8, 'was': 9, 'from': 11, 'all': 12, 'for': 14, 'it': 15, 'whale': 16, 'is': 17, 'not': 18, 'as': 19, 'but': 20, 'which': 21, 'there': 22, 'their': 23, 'he': 24, 'have': 25, 'him': 26, 'were': 27, 'one': 28, 'at': 29, 'you': 30, 'they': 31, 'some': 34, 'had': 37, 'by': 39, 'like': 43, 'then': 47, 'when': 60, 'upon': 61, 'would': 62, 'into': 64, 'be': 92, 'But': 94, 'on': 96, 'CHAPTER': 123, 'other': 124, 'more': 125, 'though': 126, 'these': 127, 'The': 129, 'now': 131, 'them': 133, 'so': 134, 'are': 135, 'before': 136, 'seemed': 137, 'been': 138, 'Ahab': 139, 'over': 140, 'through': 141, 'what': 142, 'Queequeg': 143, 'out': 144, 'about': 145, 'will': 150, 'those': 154, 'little': 155, 'still': 158, 'ship': 159, 'great': 160, 'only': 161, 'or': 164, 'whales': 165, 'down': 167, 'himself': 170, 'such': 171, 'Captain': 172, 'Starbuck': 173, 'old': 174, 'time': 175, 'very': 177, 'than': 178, 'after': 179, 'man': 180, 'round': 181, 'long': 182, 'me': 184, 'said': 185, 'again': 186, 'an': 188, 'three': 189, 'my': 190, 'must': 192, 'Whale': 193, 'almost': 196, 'its': 198, 'most': 199, 'every': 200, 'last': 201, 'Stubb': 202, 'should': 203, 'could': 204, 'while': 205, 'being': 208, 'without': 209, 'sea': 210, 'first': 211, 'something': 212, 'head': 213, 'thought': 214, 'And': 216, 'up': 217, 'your': 218, 'never': 219, 'her': 220, 'any': 221, 'no': 222, 'boat': 223, 'against': 224, 'here': 225, 'who': 227, 'might': 228, 'thing': 229, 'where': 231, 'thou': 234, 'yet': 235, 'much': 236, 'has': 237, 'same': 238, 'two': 240, 'if': 241, 'between': 242, 'among': 243, 'white': 244, 'water': 245, 'we': 246, 'ye': 247, 'things': 248, 'ever': 249, 'towards': 250, 'hand': 251, 'side': 252, 'way': 253, 'cried': 254, 'Pequod': 255}

Step 5 - Apply Semantic Compression (SC)

In [28]:
# Function that applies a semantic compression approach
def compress_text(curr_text, codes, forward = True):
    symbol_list = sorted([(len(k), k, v) for k, v in codes.items()], key = lambda x: int(x[0]), reverse = True)
    new_text = curr_text

    for l, key, value in symbol_list:
        c_value = chr(value)
        if forward:
            new_text = new_text.replace(key, c_value)
            new_text = new_text.replace(c_value, key)
    return new_text
In [29]:
# Compressiong text of the file
file_text_comp = compress_text(file_text1, semantic_table)

Step 6 - Save Compressed File

In [30]:
file_path_comp = file_path.replace('.txt', '_comp.txt')
save_text_file(file_path_comp, file_text_comp)
In [31]:
# Weight of the compressed file
file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path_comp)
print('Compressed file size:', round(file_size / 1024, 2), 'KB')
Compressed file size: 958.99 KB
In [32]:
# Original file
print('Number of characters:', len(file_text1))
Number of characters: 1219570
In [33]:
# Compressed file
print('Number of characters:', len(file_text_comp))
Number of characters: 889494
In [34]:
# Semantic compression percentage
compress_rate =  (len(file_text1) - len(file_text_comp)) / len(file_text1)
print('Compression Rate:', round(compress_rate * 100, 2), '%')
Compression Rate: 27.06 %

Click in the following link to download the compressed text file:


Step 7 - Show new Byte Distribution

In [35]:
# Loading target text book
file_byte_list = get_file_bytes(file_path_comp)
In [36]:
# Calculate code frequency
term_freq = Counter(file_byte_list)
n = len(term_freq)
print('Unique symbols used:', n)
Unique symbols used: 200
In [37]:
# Normalize term frequency
total = sum(term_freq.values())
for ix in range(max_symbols):
    if ix in term_freq:
        term_freq[ix] = term_freq[ix] / total
        term_freq[ix] = 0
In [38]:
# Create dataframe: unused byte list
df_ubytes = pd.DataFrame.from_records(term_freq.most_common(max_symbols), columns = ['byte', 'frequency'])
df_ubytes['symbol'] = [chr(b) for b in df_ubytes.byte]
df_ubytes = df_ubytes[['byte', 'symbol', 'frequency']]
byte symbol frequency
0 32 0.198516
1 101 e 0.059533
2 115 s 0.038495
3 194 Â 0.034089
4 114 r 0.033947
5 97 a 0.032637
6 108 l 0.029093
7 116 t 0.027243
8 100 d 0.024705
9 13 \r 0.022367
In [39]:
# Plot the frequency of the bytes in the file
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 6))
ax = sns.barplot(x = 'byte', y = 'frequency', data = df_ubytes.sort_values(by=['byte']), palette=("Greens_d"))
ax.set_xticklabels(labels = get_x_labels(), fontsize = 10, rotation = 50)
plt.axhline(y = p_x, color = "#8b0000", linestyle = "--")
plt.title('Bytes Frequency of the Compressed Text File')

Note: The symbol 32 (in decimal) refers to the white space character of the ASCII table.

2. Decompression and Validation

In [40]:
# Loading target text book
file_text_comp = read_text_file(file_path_comp)
Read the following file: ../data/text/book1-en_comp.txt
In [41]:
# Function that applies a semantic decompression approach
def decompress_text(comp_text, codes):
    new_text = compress_text(comp_text, codes, False)
    return new_text
In [42]:
# Decompression
file_text2 = decompress_text(file_text_comp, semantic_table)
In [43]:
# Compressed file
print('Number of characters:', len(file_text2))
Number of characters: 1219570


In [44]:
# Comparing size
len(file_text1) - len(file_text2)
In [45]:
# Comparing content
file_text1 == file_text2


[1] Wikipedia - Natural language processing.