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Video Game Sales DataViz

Visual Analytics project to analyze and discovery insights of video game sales in recent years, with the high-level API

Motivation: the video game industry currently (2021) has more than 3 billion active players and its market is worth more than $170 billion (BestTheNews). Therefore, it is worth analyzing some data on video game sales by platform and genre over the last 4 decades.

VG Sales Grouped by Publisher

Data Analysis

  1. Video games sales per release year
  2. Top 50 best-selling video games
  3. Video game sales grouped by platform
  4. Video game sales grouped by publisher
  5. Sales trends of top 10 publishers
  6. Distribution of video game sales
  7. Evolution of video game sales by genre

To view the DataViz, click on the link.


This dataset contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies. Original data from Kaggle.

Fields include:


Python Dependencies

  conda install -c plotly plotly_express

Contributing and Feedback

Any kind of feedback/criticism would be greatly appreciated (algorithm design, documentation, improvement ideas, spelling mistakes, etc…).



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.