Curve Similarity Analysis - Deaths

  • Created by: Andrés Segura Tinoco
  • Created on: May 12, 2020
  • Data: Deaths by Covid 19

Packages Installation

conda config --set pip_interop_enabled True
pip install similaritymeasures


  1. Mean Absolute Error
  2. Partial Curve Mapping
  3. Discrete Frechet distance
  4. Area between two Curves
  5. Curve Length Similarity
  6. Dynamic Time Warping distance

1. Read C19 deaths by country

In [1]:
# # Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import similaritymeasures
from collections import Counter
In [2]:
# Load visualization libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
In [3]:
# Reading data from CSV file
dataURL = "../data/country_deaths_by_days.csv"
raw_data = pd.read_csv(dataURL)
In [4]:
# Show first 10 rows of header dataframe
country region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134
0 USA Americas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 UK Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Italy Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 France Europe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 Spain Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 Brazil Americas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
6 Belgium Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 Mexico Americas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
8 Germany Europe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
9 Iran Asia 2 2 4 6 8 12 16 19 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

10 rows × 136 columns

2. Calculate the Similarity between Countries

In [5]:
# Control variables
cnt = Counter()
top_country = 10
n_days = 85
n_methods = 6

# Analysis variables
exp_country = 'Colombia'
exp_data = np.zeros((n_days, 2))
countries_data = dict()
countries_region = dict()
In [6]:
# Split data between expected and reality datasets
for ix, row in raw_data.iterrows():
    country_name = row["country"]
    countries_region[country_name] = row["region"]
    y = []
    for i in range(1, n_days + 1):
        if pd.notna(row[str(i)]):
    if country_name == exp_country:    
        exp_data[:, 0] = np.arange(n_days)
        exp_data[:, 1] = y
        if len(y) == n_days:
            temp_data = np.zeros((n_days, 2))
            temp_data[:, 0] = np.arange(n_days)
            temp_data[:, 1] = y
            countries_data[country_name] = temp_data

2.1. Mean Absolute Error

In [7]:
mae_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    mae = 0
    for ix in range(0, n_days):
        mae += abs(exp_data[ix, 1] - num_data[ix, 1])
    mae_result[country] = mae / n_days
In [8]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(mae_result, key=mae_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, mae_result[country]))
Philippines: 45.976470588235294
Hungary: 51.98823529411764
Algeria: 53.8
Pakistan: 53.811764705882354
Denmark: 54.71764705882353
Ukraine: 58.705882352941174
Dominican Republic: 62.90588235294118
Austria: 68.89411764705882
Chile: 70.7764705882353
Bangladesh: 88.63529411764706

2.2. Partial Curve Mapping

In [9]:
# Quantify the difference between the two curves using PCM
pcm_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    pcm = similaritymeasures.pcm(exp_data, num_data)
    pcm_result[country] = pcm
In [10]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(pcm_result, key=pcm_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, pcm_result[country]))
Pakistan: 2.314374293510048
Chile: 2.317609429012769
Philippines: 3.560992304498863
Ukraine: 4.0791994016184185
Bangladesh: 4.190485392145406
Denmark: 5.394028532920833
South Africa: 5.715718306769283
Poland: 5.775875247714459
Hungary: 6.008091977236395
Austria: 6.309153923842337

2.3. Discrete Frechet distance

In [11]:
### Quantify the difference between the two curves using Discrete Frechet distance
df_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    df = similaritymeasures.frechet_dist(exp_data, num_data)
    df_result[country] = df
In [12]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(df_result, key=df_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, df_result[country]))
Chile: 47.0
Philippines: 149.0
Pakistan: 164.0
Poland: 175.0
Bangladesh: 203.0
Ukraine: 209.0
Austria: 221.0
Algeria: 292.0
Denmark: 292.0
Romania: 294.0

2.4. Area between two Curves

In [13]:
# Quantify the difference between the two curves using Area between two Curves
area_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    area = similaritymeasures.area_between_two_curves(exp_data, num_data)
    area_result[country] = area
In [14]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(area_result, key=area_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, area_result[country]))
Philippines: 3833.0
Hungary: 4242.5
Algeria: 4423.5
Pakistan: 4491.0
Denmark: 4499.5
Ukraine: 4885.0
Dominican Republic: 5146.5
Austria: 5745.0
Chile: 5991.5
Bangladesh: 7432.5

2.5. Curve Length Similarity

In [15]:
# Quantify the difference between the two curves using Curve Length based similarity measure
cl_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    cl = similaritymeasures.curve_length_measure(exp_data, num_data)
    cl_result[country] = cl
In [16]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(cl_result, key=cl_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, cl_result[country]))
Chile: 1.6370745475350865
Pakistan: 1.8989603902249812
Austria: 2.1294478288464327
Philippines: 2.196267179368424
Ukraine: 2.6417108068547828
Denmark: 2.876759555490601
Bangladesh: 2.9219921375451565
Algeria: 3.0907913694314053
Poland: 3.3791299188483106
Hungary: 3.564686445555847

2.6. Dynamic Time Warping distance

In [17]:
# Quantify the difference between the two curves using Dynamic Time Warping distance
dtw_result = dict()
for country, num_data in countries_data.items():
    dtw, d = similaritymeasures.dtw(exp_data, num_data)
    dtw_result[country] = dtw
In [18]:
# Get and save top N
output = sorted(dtw_result, key=dtw_result.get, reverse=False)[:top_country]
for country in output:
    cnt[country] += 1
    print('%s: %s' % (country, dtw_result[country]))
Chile: 752.0345440267226
Philippines: 1060.4800141720839
Pakistan: 1158.5923235033185
Ukraine: 1386.0055337035724
Bangladesh: 1607.0791690838091
Austria: 1634.9286210832788
Algeria: 2355.543479330209
Denmark: 2359.1655770842963
Poland: 2424.660614123696
South Africa: 3065.762482549331

3. Plot Similarity Results

In [19]:
[('Philippines', 6),
 ('Pakistan', 6),
 ('Denmark', 6),
 ('Ukraine', 6),
 ('Austria', 6),
 ('Chile', 6),
 ('Bangladesh', 6),
 ('Algeria', 5),
 ('Hungary', 4),
 ('Poland', 4),
 ('Dominican Republic', 2),
 ('South Africa', 2),
 ('Romania', 1)]
In [20]:
# Palette of colores
palette = {"Africa": "#FF7F0E", "Americas": "#D62728", "Asia": "#2CA02C", "Europe": "#1F77B4", "Oceania": "#9467BD"}
bars = []
values= []

for row in cnt.most_common():
In [21]:
# Plot similarity results
plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))

barlist =, values)
for i, v in enumerate(bars):

# Add custom legend
legend_list = []
for k, v in palette.items():
    legend_list.append(mpatches.Patch(color = v, label = k))

# Plot setup
plt.title("Countries Similarity Results", fontsize = 18)
plt.xlabel("Country", fontsize = 12)
plt.ylabel("Total Occurrences", fontsize = 12)
plt.legend(handles = legend_list, loc = "best")
In [22]:
# Plot trends more similar to Colombia
country_list = ['Colombia']

plt.figure(figsize = (18, 8))
plt.plot(exp_data[:, 0], exp_data[:, 1])

for country in cnt:
    if cnt[country] == n_methods:
        num_data = countries_data[country]
        plt.plot(num_data[:, 0], num_data[:, 1], linestyle='--')

# Plot setup
plt.title("Total Deaths from day 1 of Infection", fontsize = 18)
plt.xlabel("N Days from first infection", fontsize = 12)
plt.ylabel("Total deaths", fontsize = 12)
plt.legend(country_list, loc = "best")


Jekel, C. F., Venter, G., Venter, M. P., Stander, N., & Haftka, R. T. (2018). Similarity measures for identifying material parameters from hysteresis loops using inverse analysis. International Journal of Material Forming.