RecSys 2022 Twitter Interaction Analysis

Data collected with Twitter API during 2 weeks (from 09/12 to 09/25).

Definition of Utility Functions

1. Read tweets from CSV file

2. Tweets Basic Analytics

2.1. Show basic stats

2.2. Calculate own tweet rate

2.3. Length of Tweets

2.4. Stats of Retweets and Favorites

2.5. Tweets Language

2.6. Tweets by Days

2.7. Tweets by Accounts

2.8. Most mentioned User Accounts

2.9. Most used Hashtags in Tweets

2.10. Accounts with more likes

3. NLP Analytics

3.1. Number of words per tweets in English

3.2. Most common Words in Tweets

3.3. Most common Words w/o Stopwords

3.4. Most common Bigrams w/o Stopwords

3.5. Tweet WordCloud

4. Network Analytics

4.1. Create Network

4.2. Graph density

4.3. Plot Graph data

Adjacency matrix

Incidence matrix

Plotting Directed Weighted Graph

4.4. Export data

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