Analysis of the words contained in the Dictionary of the Spanish language (DSL).
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Twitter Analytics with Tweepy
Analysis of a Twitter account and its content
Web Mining project in which Descriptive Statistics and NLP techniques are used to analyze the behavior of a Twitter account and the content of their respective tweets.
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Covid-19 Data Analytics
Web Scraping, Visual Analytics and Data Science
Web scraping is the (generally automatic) process of collecting semi-structured data from the web, filtering and storing it, and then using it in another process. Based on that concept, I create a web scraper bot to get data on confirmed cases and deaths from Covid-19, so I can analyze it....
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Video Game Sales DataViz
By platform and genre in the last 4 decades
Visual Analytics project to analyze and discovery insights of video game sales in recent years, with the high-level API
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Travelling Salesman Problem solver
Project in Java to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). An approximation solution with a self-organizing maps (SOM) is proposed.
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